Jeffrey Zduniak
“When my father in law, Richard A Byron Sr a Marine Sgt in the Korean War, began to suffer from the onset of dementia, I started to ask friends and colleagues for suggestions on how I could get some help to do some work on the house to make his daily life more manageable. The recession hit the country, and we were working on recovering financially, but we needed help for him before the worse set in. I was introduced to Brian Hooper, not expecting much for an old Marine while the United States was in the midst of Iraq and Afganistan. Brian however, immediately took to task and informed me that Building Dreams for Marines was established to help all Marines. We looked at the logistics of what would be the project most in need and determined that an updated, accessible bathroom would be most beneficial. Working with Cyr Lumber Company of Windham, materials and labor were donated and a beautiful, functional bathroom was provided to ease the care for our soldier. Richard, his wife, his daughter and I, could never thank you enough for what Building Dreams for Marines was able to do to help an old Mud Marine need.”
Jeffrey Zduniak, with Ruth Byron and Cheryl Zduniak